git help

Display help information about Git

With no options and no COMMAND or GUIDE given, the synopsis of the git command and a list of the most commonly used Git commands are printed on the standard output.

If the option --all or -a is given, all available commands are printed on the standard output.

If the option --guide or -g is given, a list of the useful Git guides is also printed on the standard output.

If a command, or a guide, is given, a manual page for that command or guide is brought up. The man program is used by default for this purpose, but this can be overridden by other options or configuration variables.

If an alias is given, git shows the definition of the alias on standard output. To get the manual page for the aliased command, use git COMMAND --help.

How-tos using git help

Last modified on November 30, 2021.

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